Tyler, the Cartographer*
In Robert Roth’s Graphic Design in Cartography course we were tasked with designing a tile set according to an art style of our choice. Personally my background in the artistic realm is in the musical arts, so naturally, I chose a musical artist to dissect and recreate. I chose Tyler, the Creator, known for his genre bending music, his street brand Golfgang, and his luxury brand Golf le Fluer. Tyler strives to contrast opposites, melody and bass, or the beautiful and the ugly. I tried to keep this musical juxtaposition in mind while making design choices. Some zoom levels are pleasing to the eye, while others contain many layers, creating an overwhelimg visual scence. My goal was to create a fun and colorful tileset that drew inspiration not only from his album art and branding, but also his music

I found inspiration in his music, branding, and merchandise.

In the map sunflowers represent cities, flowers arehighway shields, and green stars show forested areas

Let's see what a few different places look like with the basemap, starting off in Milwaukee, WI, where I saw Tyler perform.
Warsaw, Poland, another place where Tyler has performed, despite being banned from the UK in 2015.
Melbourne, Australia, another place Tyler has performed since being banned.
Finally, Tyler's home state of California.
Play around the full map, and in the words of Tyler, call me if you get lost.